Every Innovation Starts With A Conversation

Each episode of the InfraTalk Podcast offers an insightful conversation with transportation and infrastructure  industry experts. Listen as they discuss the latest innovation trends changing the infrastructure landscape like digital project delivery, safety  policies, and the future of sustainable practices. Every innovation starts with a conversation and the podcast is a great way to learn and join in the discussions with your peers and policy makers. So, listen in, get talking, and keep the conversation going.

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Each episode of the InfraTalk Podcast offers an insightful conversation with transportation and infrastructure  industry experts. Listen as they discuss the latest innovation trends changing the infrastructure landscape like digital project delivery, safety  policies, and the future of sustainable practices. Every innovation starts with a conversation and the podcast is a great way to learn and join in the discussions with your peers and policy makers. So, listen in, get talking, and keep the conversation going.


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Latest Episode

Season 03
Season 02
Season 01
Season 2 Episode 6 – Bonus Episode

Megan Tanel: Celebrating Construction

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

In this bonus episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Greg Nadeau interviews Megan Tanel, president of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), a North American leader in construction and agriculture equipment manufacturing. The two discuss the state of the industry at AEM’s Celebration of Construction on the National Mall. In addition, they explore AEM’s global reach and its mission to promote a new vision for the industry.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • AEM and the construction industry’s technological transformation,
  • The changing perceptions of construction work,
  • And the importance of diversity in the workforce.
Season 2 Episode 6 – Bonus Episode

Megan Tanel: Celebrating Construction

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

In this bonus episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Greg Nadeau interviews Megan Tanel, president of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), a North American leader in construction and agriculture equipment manufacturing. The two discuss the state of the industry at AEM’s Celebration of Construction on the National Mall. In addition, they explore AEM’s global reach and its mission to promote a new vision for the industry.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • AEM and the construction industry’s technological transformation,
  • The changing perceptions of construction work,
  • And the importance of diversity in the workforce.
Bonus Episode

Building the Future: Digital Transformation in Infrastructure and Transportation

This episode was hosted and produced by ⁠Wired to Build⁠, a podcast by ⁠Avicado Construction Technology Services⁠.

In this episode of Wired to Build, host ⁠Nick Caravella⁠ and ⁠Christy Hunt⁠ are joined by infrastructure experts ⁠Matthew Valle⁠ and ⁠Nick Nadeau⁠ of ⁠Infrastructure Ventures⁠ and ⁠InfraTalk⁠. Together, they dive deep into the exciting developments and challenges in digital construction, infrastructure modernization, and the future of transportation in the U.S. From the LA Olympics’ infrastructure needs to the rise of AI and digital tools in the construction industry, this episode explores how technology is transforming the way we build. Learn about the latest advancements, the importance of open data systems, and how innovators are reshaping transportation for the 21st century. Tune in for a data-driven conversation that will leave you wired to build!
  • The Impact of Digital Construction: How digital tools like BIM and AI are reshaping infrastructure projects, creating more efficient workflows, and enhancing data management.
  • The Role of Public-Private Partnerships: How collaborations between government and private sector innovators are crucial for advancing infrastructure projects.
  • Funding and Modernization: Insights into the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and how it’s fueling the modernization of U.S. infrastructure.
  • The Importance of Open Data: Learn about the push for open, interoperable data standards and their impact on construction and asset management.
  • Future of Transportation: What cities like Los Angeles are doing to prepare for global events like the Olympics and how transportation innovation is set to change how we move.

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Season 3 Episode 8

Trimble Innovate Panel: Advancing Digital Project Delivery

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

Contractors are essential to the advancement of digital project delivery. Their partnership and insight is foundational to creating systems that work for all parties in the transportation infrastructure industry. This episode features a panel from Trimble’s Innovate User Conference, which took place last month. The session was titled “ARTBA Innovation Technology Policy Forum: The Critical Role Contractors are Playing to Advance Digital Project Delivery.” The panel features Matthew Valle of Infrastructure Ventures, Brian McInnis and Doug Reichard of Trimble, Janet Treadway of the Ohio Department of Transportation, and Chris Engle of Ohio Contractors Association.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • Driving the standardization of digital project delivery throughout the industry;
  • Successful collaboration between associations, contractors, and the public and private sector;
  • And Every Day Counts’ (EDC) impact and encouragement to advancing digitization.

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Season 3 Episode 7

Toks Omishakin: People-Centric Transportation

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

While agency sizes differ among transportation departments, from small states to the largest in the country, transportation issues remain consistent. At the core of the industry should be people and safety. In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, Secretary for the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), Toks Omishakin, sits down with InfraTalk America Publisher and Host, Greg Nadeau. Prior to his role as secretary of CalSTA, Omishakin spent 8 years as deputy commissioner for Tennessee DOT and served as director of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
Listen in as they discuss:
  • Omishakin’s career and how it’s led to his current role as secretary of CalSTA,
  • California’s core four values: safety, equity, climate action and economic prosperity,
  • And tackling today’s transportation problems with modern solutions.

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Bonus Episode: Infratalk On The Road

InfraTalk On The Road: Joyce Taylor

On the Road Series

Engineers are foundational to the transportation infrastructure industry. Their knowledge and trust move projects, innovation and solutions forward. Joyce Taylor, chief engineer for the Maine Department of Transportation, joins InfraTalk Publisher, Gregory Nadeau, on this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast. Taylor is the first woman to serve as chief engineer for Maine Department of Transportation. She is active with the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO), serving as a vice chair of the Council of Highways & Streets and co-chair of the Climate Council’s Transportation Working Group.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • Changes in the climate and how it impacts transportation projects,
  • The value in listening to your peers when making decisions,
  • And Maine’s leadership in the use of sustainable composite structures.

This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting and is part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series.

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Bonus Episode: Infratalk On The Road

InfraTalk On The Road: Kirk Steudle

On the Road Series

Leadership roles provide the opportunity to encourage and advance innovation. These positions lead organizations head first into change. Kirk Steudle, President of Steudle Executive Group, joins InfraTalk Publisher, Gregory Nadeau, on this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast. Steudle previously served as Michigan Department of Transportation’s director for 12 years. An active member of the transportation community, he’s also served as president for American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and president of TRB’s Executive Committee.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • Steudle’s various leadership roles throughout his career,
  • Harnessing technology to make us better and more efficient,
  • And how pilot projects encourage and advance the state of practice.

This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting and is part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series.

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Bonus Episode: Infratalk On The Road

InfraTalk On The Road: Keith Platte

On the Road Series

Bringing the public and private sector together is a crucial step to advancing our transportation infrastructure. These partnerships are the foundation that brings our industry into the next generation. Keith Platte, director for AASHTOWare, joins InfraTalk Publisher, Gregory Nadeau, on this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast. Platte facilitates AASHTOWare’s alliances with private sector companies to provide software services for the 52 departments of transportation.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • The formation of AASHTOWare in the 1980s and how it’s grown,
  • Bringing the industry together to create a flow between planning, asset management and data collection,
  • And the long-term impact that comes from these innovations.

This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting and is part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road

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Bonus Episode: Infratalk On The Road

InfraTalk On The Road: Carlos Braceras

On the Road Series

Whether we’re getting to work, meeting up with friends, or transporting goods, we rely on our nation’s transportation network. As such, understanding how important our transportation system is to our daily lives is vital to advocating for further investment in our nation’s infrastructure. Carlos Braceras, executive director for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), joins InfraTalk Publisher, Gregory Nadeau, on this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast. Braceras began with UDOT nearly 40 years ago as a civil engineer and was appointed as the agency’s director in 2013.
Listen in as they discuss:

  • The value of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (IIJA),
  • Partnering with the private sector to advance the industry,
  • And the importance of giving space for mistakes when moving the industry forward.This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting and is part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series.

This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting and is part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series

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Bonus Episode: Infratalk On The Road

InfraTalk On The Road: Roger Millar

On the Road Series

As the industry evolves, it’s crucial to rethink how we tackle our infrastructure and transportation projects. Secretary for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Roger Millar, joins InfraTalk Publisher, Gregory Nadeau, on this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast. As an engineer, planner, and program manager with over 40 years of experience, Millar brings a well-rounded perspective to his role.
Listen in as they discuss:

  • Washington State’s history of delivering major infrastructure projects,
  • Resiliency and the ability to prepare for the challenges and obstacles ahead,
  • And Millar’s recent experience and term as AASHTO president.This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting and is part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series.

This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting and is part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series

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Season 3 Episode 6

Dr. Shawn Wilson: Building a Better Tomorrow

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

An equitable transportation network is vital to the future of our industry and, more importantly, our country. In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, National Agency Coordination Leader for Transportation and Infrastructure at WSP, Dr. Shawn Wilson, sits down with InfraTalk America Publisher and Host, Greg Nadeau. Wilson’s impressive career has included his role as former secretary for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, as well as serving as the first African American president in AASHTO’s 107-year history. It is important to note that this episode was recorded the day after the Key Bridge collapsed in Baltimore.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • The building blocks that led to Shawn’s extensive career in Louisiana State Government,
  • The importance of equity and diversity in the transportation sector,
  • And the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s role in ensuring that our transportation system serves every American.

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Bonus Episode

InfraTalk On The Road: Melissa Batula

On the Road Series

This special episode of the InfraTalk Podcast is brought to you during Women’s History Month and celebrates our ‘Women Leading Innovation’ series. Melissa Batula is a principal program manager for HDR and former executive deputy secretary for Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. In her 30 years of transportation infrastructure experience, she’s been an active member in associations such as WTS, Transportation Research Board and AASHTO. Batula is an expert in the industry and advocates for innovative practices, digital delivery, and public-private partnerships.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • The goals behind PennDOT’s Digital Delivery Directive 2025 initiative,
  • The ongoing payback of digital project delivery,
  • And recruiting the workforce of tomorrow.
This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting as part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series.

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Season 3 Episode 5

Gloria Shepherd: Raising the Bar

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

This special episode of the InfraTalk Podcast is brought to you during Women’s History Month and celebrates our ‘Women Leading Innovation’ series. ITA Publisher Gregory G. Nadeau sits down with Gloria Shepherd, executive director for the Federal Highway Administration. Making history as the first woman and African American to serve in her current position, Shepherd is paving a deep path for others to follow in her footsteps.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • Shepherd’s accomplished academic background and the path that led her professional career to transportation,
  • The impacts and responsibility that came with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,
  • The core four: safety, equity, economic prosperity, and climate change,
  • And reuniting communities separated by infrastructure.

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Bonus Episode

InfraTalk On The Road: Paula Hammond

On the Road Series

This special episode of the InfraTalk Podcast is brought to you during Women’s History Month and celebrates our ‘Women Leading Innovation’ series. Paula Hammond is a senior vice president for WSP and former secretary for Washington State Department of Transportation. Hammond is an active member of the transportation infrastructure community and has served on multiple boards, including her role as the first woman chair for the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) in their 120-year history. Throughout the course of her exemplary career, she has championed the need for a more diverse workforce, worked to ensure the industry is more equitable, and advanced innovative practices.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • Breaking glass ceilings as a women in the industry,
  • How to work together to address workforce challenges,
  • And cultivating innovation through creativity and risk taking.
This interview was recorded at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting as part of our ‘InfraTalk On The Road’ series.

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Season 3 Episode 4

Trimble: Setting the Standard for Digital Project Delivery

On the Road Series

Digital project delivery includes various innovative solutions that increase project efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Despite these incredible benefits, there is a lot of work that still needs to be done to get these technologies implemented in our nation’s transportation agencies. However, through education, proper funding, and a universal set of open data standards, we have the ability to revolutionize the way we deliver projects. As part of our InfraTalk On The Road series, Publisher Greg Nadeau interviews Trimble’s Director of Strategy for State and Federal Government, Doug Reichard, and Senior Manager for Proposals and Grants, Patrick Holtz, at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • The Federal Highway Administration’s Advanced Digital Construction Management System Grants;
  • The role of open data standards in advancing digital project delivery; 
  • And how utilizing asset lifecycle management brings informed decisions and better, more sustainable outcomes. 

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Season 3 Episode 3

HaulHub: The Next Generation EDOT Platform

On the Road Series

Next generation e-Construction is critical to delivering today’s infrastructure projects in a more efficient, safer, and climate resilient way. As part of our InfraTalk on the Road series, ITA Publisher Greg Nadeau interviews HaulHub’s Vice President of Industry Relations and Government Affairs Matthew Valle and National Customer Success Director Houston Merck at the 2023 AASHTO Annual Meeting.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • HaulHub’s NEW EDOT platform;
  • The role data plays in delivering safer, more efficient, and climate resilient projects;
  • And the role e-Ticketing played in paving the way for next generation e-Construction.

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Season 3 Episode 2

Administrator Shailen Bhatt: Delivering BIL’s Promise

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

Employing innovation is imperative to delivering 21st century projects and increasing safety on our nation’s roadways. In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Gregory G. Nadeau has the distinct honor of interviewing Federal Highway Administrator Shailen Bhatt as part of our “Moving Innovation in Public Infrastructure” series. As the head of the Federal Highway Administration, Administrator Bhatt is tasked with overseeing the agency’s implementation of the $350 billion it received as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • The role digital construction technology plays in delivering projects faster and more cost-effectively;
  • The need for long-term investment in our nation’s infrastructure;
  • How innovation can help improve work zone safety and help us achieve zero deaths in our work zones;
  • And the importance of giving transportation agencies the tools they need to help institutionalize innovative technologies and policies.

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Season 3 Episode 1

Representative Rick Larsen: Investing in Innovation

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

Initiating change within state and local transportation agencies isn’t always easy. By the time new ideas and innovations go through the funding, testing, and implementation process, it can take years before they are fully adopted. We are launching season 3 of the InfraTalk Podcast with a new series titled “Moving Innovation in Public Infrastructure.” As part of this program, we will be interviewing government and private sector leaders who are working to help the industry advance innovation at a more rapid pace.
In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Greg Nadeau interviews Ranking Member of the House of Representatives’ Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Rick Larsen. As ranking member, Representative Larsen is dedicated to ensuring our nation’s infrastructure is well funded. Proper investment in the industry can allow for the continued creation of well-paying jobs, implementation of innovation, and ensure our transportation network is safer and more sustainable.
Listen in as they discuss:
  • The electrification of Washington State’s ferry system,
  • The need for continued investment in our nation’s infrastructure,
  • How the federal government can assist state and local transportation agencies with mainstreaming innovation,
  • And the industry’s transition to digital project delivery.

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Season 2 Episode 6 – Bonus Episode

Megan Tanel: Celebrating Construction

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

In this bonus episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Greg Nadeau interviews Megan Tanel, president of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), a North American leader in construction and agriculture equipment manufacturing. The two discuss the state of the industry at AEM’s Celebration of Construction on the National Mall. In addition, they explore AEM’s global reach and its mission to promote a new vision for the industry.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • AEM and the construction industry’s technological transformation,
  • The changing perceptions of construction work,
  • And the importance of diversity in the workforce.

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Season 2 Episode 5

Cyndee Hoagland: Trimble’s Digital Impact

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Greg Nadeau interviews Cyndee Hoagland, senior vice president of Trimble, a global leading provider of advanced digital construction and asset lifecycle management technologies. Poised at the intersection of the physical world and digital world, Trimble’s technologies are used to manage millions of assets across markets. This data heavily impacts the way we work, build and construct.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • The way state DOTs can use technology to recruit and retain the next generation of talent,
  • The unique challenges that hinder the rapid adoption and integration of industry technologies in the U.S.,
  • And Trimble’s role in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (ADCMS) grant program.

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Season 2 Episode 4

Dara Wheeler: Harnessing Leadership Support

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

Leadership support is often the special component needed to accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions. In this episode, ITA Publisher Gregory Nadeau sits down with Dara Wheeler, chief of Research and Innovation at Caltrans. As the agency’s point person for innovation, Dara leads several state and national committees that are dedicated to advancing the adoption of new technologies. She also oversees the programs Caltrans has in place to expedite digital project delivery and fund research. Because of her leadership, the agency has been at the forefront of mainstreaming transformational technologies.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • How Caltrans is leading the way in the application of innovative technology,
  • The importance of collaboration within the private sector,
  • And the way policymakers and local agencies can work together to support and celebrate successes.

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Season 2 Episode 3

Janet Treadway: Revolutionizing Construction Operations

Hosted by Dr Ann Schneider

In this episode Janet Treadway, AASHTOWare Project Business Administrator at the Ohio Department of Transportation, explores the transformative power of e-Ticketing in construction operations, specifically highlighting its impact on Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). Beyond just managing materials, the benefits of e-ticketing extend to streamlining processes and enhancing overall efficiency.

This episode is guest hosted by Dr. Ann Schneider, former secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation and a member of our Board of Advisors.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • Janet’s role on the National e-Ticketing Task Force and the industry perspective she provides,
  • The significance of adopting new technologies to engage and retain younger generations,
  • And the challenges of attracting women to a male-dominated industry as well as the importance of diverse perspectives.

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Season 2 Episode 2

Kat Weisner: Every Day Counts

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

The COVID-19 pandemic helped push for nationwide implementation of e-Ticketing, a Federal Highway Administration Every Day Counts (EDC) round six initiative. In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Gregory Nadeau interviews Kat Weisner, senior construction and contract administration engineer for the Federal Highway Administration’s Resource Center.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • The Resource Center’s role in encouraging state and local agencies to consider new technologies and solutions,
  • The Every Day Counts (EDC) program’s success in promoting innovation and digital solutions,
  • And how e-Ticketing has revolutionized the project delivery process as well as the industry.

For more information on e-Ticketing, check out the National e-Ticketing Task Force’s website here: e-ticketingtaskforce.org

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Season 2 Episode 1

Sara Stickler: Empowering Women

Hosted by Karyn Le Blanc

This special Women’s History Month episode features President & CEO of WTS International Sarah Stickler. As a former educator, Sarah came from a career where women dominated the field. However, upon transitioning to associations and the transportation industry, she was confronted by a severe lack of women in decision-making roles. This episode is hosted by InfraTalk America Communications Advisor, Karyn Le Blanc.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • Sarah’s unique transportation story,
  • Emerging trends and challenges for women in transportation,
  • The importance of mainstreaming innovations for future generations,
  • And WTS’ mission to create a more diverse, equitable industry.

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Crossover Episode

Chasing Innovation Crossover Episode

Hosted by Nate Binder, Infotech & Matt Sprague, Trimble

This crossover episode was produced and hosted by Infotech and Trimble, and is presented as a follow-up to InfraTalk America’s Chasing Innovation roundtable webinar, which can be found at https://infratalkamerica.com/social-sustainability-and-the-path-toward-a-stable-technologically-literate-workforce/. In the latest episode of Let’s Be Civil, a panel of experts from Trimble, HDR, and Infotech discuss how adopting a holistic, people-first mindset can maximize connection, collaboration, and innovation in our industry. Social sustainability. Workforce development. Technology adoption. These areas may feel distinct, but they all center around the same essential thing: people.


  • Tara Blythe, Infotech
  • Ev Tripolitis, Trimble
  • Jennifer Steen, HDR

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Season 1 Episode 3

Audrey Copeland: e-Ticketing Revolution

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

e-Ticketing is revolutionizing the construction materials supply chain delivery system in the transportation infrastructure industry. In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Gregory Nadeau sits down with Audrey Copeland, president and CEO of the National Asphalt Pavement Association.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • How the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of e-Ticketing in the asphalt industry,
  • Ways companies within the industry can leverage the technology to address the chronic workforce shortage,
  • The asphalt pavement industry’s The Road Forward program, a commitment to go net zero by 2050,
  • And how warm mix asphalt can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Season 1 Episode 2

Shanté Hastings: Leading the Way

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is a national leader in the implementation of digital project delivery innovations and advancing the state of practice. In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Gregory Nadeau sits down with Shanté Hastings, deputy secretary and chief engineer at DelDOT.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • DelDOT’s leadership in implementing e-Ticketing,
  • How mainstreaming new technology requires buy-in,
  • And the role AASHTO’s Innovation Initiative has in advancing the use of new technologies throughout the industry.

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Season 1 Episode 1

Victoria Sheehan: Mainstreaming Technology

Hosted by Greg Nadeau

In this episode of the InfraTalk Podcast, ITA Publisher Gregory Nadeau sits down with New Hampshire DOT Commissioner and incoming Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board Victoria Sheehan at the 2022 Transportation Infrastructure Durability Conference.

Listen in as they discuss:

  • The barriers state DOTs face in mainstreaming new innovations,
  • Pragmatic solutions to overcoming these barriers,
  • And how the implementation of new technology can help retain and attract talent.

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