Every Innovation Starts With A Conversation
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We are halfway through our National State Day Campaign. Over the past few months, we’ve highlighted the incredible work state departments of transportation are doing to advance the adoption of new technology. These innovations increase efficiency, sustainability, safety, and address workforce shortages. In recent years the infrastructure industry has seen an uptick in the use of innovative technologies, materials, and practices. However, we can do better. There is still a lot of work to be done to ensure that these solutions are mainstreamed across the industry. As we embark on the next half of our year-long State Day campaign, there have been five states so far that stand out for their impressive accomplishments in delivering innovative infrastructure for the future: 


The state of Maine has a history of implementing historic, innovative solutions across the state’s infrastructure system. To minimize project impacts and maximize their return on infrastructure investments, the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) continues to utilize numerous innovative technologies and strategies including composite bridges and beams.  

In 2010, MaineDOT, in collaboration with UMaine Advanced Structures & Composites Center (AEWC) and the Maine Composites Alliance, created, tested and executed multiple composite solutions. Part of their strategy included Bridge-in-a-Backpack, a composite arch bridge system filled with concrete. In 2021, the agency, in partnership with Advanced Infrastructure Technologies (AIT) Composites, announced the newly constructed Grist Mill Bridge, establishing it as the first in the nation to use AIT’s corrosion-resistant composite GBeam technology. 

Read the full article here.  


The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has integrated technical advancements aimed at improving overall travel efficiency by accumulating crowdsourced data from various vehicle providers in the state. ODOT routinely utilizes crowdsourced data for advanced operations and innovative applications across their infrastructure systems.  

Additionally, the Ohio Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), originally established by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 1982, assists local governments in managing a safe, cost-effective and environmentally conscious transportation system. Ohio’s LTAP offers alternative resources focused on providing consumers with the latest educational updates on recent innovations in the transportation industry.  

Read the full article here.  


The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is another state DOT that has pioneered the use of e-Ticketing and other innovative technologies. DelDOT began a pilot program for electronic ticketing (e-Ticketing) integration in December 2020. The agency uses HaulHub, an e-Ticketing software program, to integrate e-Tickets for hot-mix asphalt suppliers around the state.  

Another innovation they’ve implemented is the DelDOT app. The mobile phone application provides the traveling public with news, real-time traffic reports and other travel-related information. This app is a prime example of how a state DOT can take advantage of modern technology to provide elegant solutions to its residents and travelers. The app is available through Apple’s App Store and Google Play. 

Read the full article here.  


In 2020, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) made history as one of the first states to enact e-Ticketing, a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Every Day Counts Round 6 (EDC-6) innovation. By utilizing this paperless solution on asphalt, concrete, and aggregate delivery construction contracts, the agency saves time, resources and improves work zone safety.  

PennDOT has also introduced the Digital Delivery Directive, a plan created to replace the construction project bidding and management process from a 2-D to 3-D digital format by 2025. By implementing this directive, PennDOT has improved the design quality of projects and increased construction efficiency.  

Read the full article here.  


The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has prioritized their roads and travelers by repeatedly implementing innovative infrastructure policies. To increase and integrate pedestrian safety into a midtown Atlanta street design, GDOT utilized FHWA’s EDC strategies, value capture and Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP). Through using these innovations, the agency was able to update their Pedestrian and Streetscape Guide to better assist engineers and city planners when considering crosswalk placement and additional safety counter measures.  

Recently, the FHWA recognized GDOT for its use of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA). The targeted overlay pavement solution (TOPS) maximizes resistance and durability using a secure stone-on-stone skeleton that is supported by a mixture of asphalt cement and stabilizing agents.  

Read the full article here.